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Windows 10 Shortcut Keys List – Boost Productivity with These 50+ Essential Shortcuts

Here’s a detailed list of the most commonly used Windows 10 Shortcut Keys, along with their descriptions:

General Windows Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Ctrl + CCopy the selected item
Ctrl + XCut the selected item
Ctrl + VPaste the copied or cut item
Ctrl + ZUndo an action
Ctrl + YRedo an action
Ctrl + ASelect all items
Ctrl + SSave the current document
Ctrl + PPrint the current document
Ctrl + NOpen a new window or document
Alt + TabSwitch between open apps
Alt + F4Close the active window/app
Windows Key + DShow/hide the desktop
Windows Key + EOpen File Explorer
Windows Key + LLock your PC
Windows Key + ROpen the Run dialog box
Windows Key + IOpen Settings
Windows Key + XOpen Quick Link Menu (Start menu alternatives)
Windows Key + SOpen Search
Windows Key + PrtScnTake a screenshot and save it to Pictures folder
PrtScnTake a screenshot (copy to clipboard)
Alt + EnterDisplay properties of the selected item

Text Editing Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Ctrl + BBold selected text
Ctrl + IItalicize selected text
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + LAlign text to the left
Ctrl + RAlign text to the right
Ctrl + ECenter the text
Ctrl + FOpen Find box
Ctrl + HOpen Replace box

File Explorer Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Alt + DSelect the address bar
Ctrl + NOpen a new window
Ctrl + Shift + NCreate a new folder
F2Rename the selected item
F5Refresh the active window
Alt + Up ArrowGo up one folder level
Alt + Left ArrowGo back
Alt + Right ArrowGo forward

Windows Navigation Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Windows Key + TabOpen Task View
Windows Key + Arrow KeysSnap windows (left, right, maximize, minimize)
Windows Key + Ctrl + DCreate a new virtual desktop
Windows Key + Ctrl + Right/Left ArrowSwitch between virtual desktops
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4Close current virtual desktop

Command Prompt Shortcuts (Windows 10 Updated):

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Ctrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + VPaste text
Ctrl + ASelect all text
Shift + Up/Down ArrowSelect text line by line

Special Accessibility Shortcuts:

Shortcut KeyFunction/Description
Windows Key + UOpen Ease of Access Center
Windows Key + Plus (+)Zoom in (Magnifier)
Windows Key + Minus (-)Zoom out (Magnifier)
Windows Key + EscExit Magnifier

Explanation of Key Combinations:

  • Ctrl (Control Key): Used for executing common commands like Copy, Paste, Select all.
  • Alt (Alternate Key): Works with other keys for specific system tasks like Alt + Tab for switching windows.
  • Windows Key: Used to open Start or perform Windows-specific functions (like opening Settings, File Explorer).
  • Function Keys (F1 to F12): Perform system tasks like Help (F1), Refresh (F5), Rename (F2), etc.

These shortcuts can significantly improve your productivity by reducing the time spent on navigation and repetitive actions.

Do you want details on any specific shortcut or tips for faster work using Windows 10?

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